Although many of us believe the ageing process is something we'd ideally like to avoid, a recent article from Business Insider has trawled through the data to prove that in many respects we peak well into middle and old age. Younger people may have vitality on their side but as we age our psychological stability improves, so does our ability to achieve greater happiness and satisfaction.
Here's where you might peak at certain ages;
Age 7 Learning a new language
Age 18 Brain processing power
Age 22 Remembering names
Age 23 Life satisfaction, and female attractiveness to men
Age 25 Muscle Strength
Age 26 Finding a partner for marriage
Age 28 Running a marathon
Age 30 Bone mass
Age 31 Playing chess
Age 32 Remembering faces
Age 39 Salary for women
Age 40 Making a Nobel Prize winning discovery
Age 48 Salary for men
Age 50 Arithmetic skills
Age 51 Understanding people's emotions
Age 69 Life satisfaction (again)
Age 71 Vocabulary
Age 74 Happiness with your body
Age 82 Psychological well-being
So, whether you're 20 or 80 there's still plenty to achieve and look forward to in the years ahead so get out and enjoy them!